5 reasons why to use FreeKode

Adith Raghav
2 min readJan 28, 2021


I am Adith, the founder of FreeKode and I am a 12-year-old. I created this website to help people get the code they need. You can get code you need, such as SVG animations, Artificial Intelligence, Vue.js, JavaScript, and so many more.

The posts & code uploaded here is always verified.

When people upload a post, we just don’t keep it like it is: we verify it. And what’s more, when you upload a post, it just doesn’t publish just like that. It becomes a draft automatically, and the admin (me) is the only one who can turn those posts from draft to published. So you can be sure that if you download a code, it is going to be safe.

Your private information is very safe.

When you register as a user on FreeKode, your private information, such as your password and your email ID cannot be seen by anyone, not even by me, and I am the admin! We have taken enough security measures to ensure that you are the only one who knows your information. And anyway, please do not include any private information on our website. We do not want to know your password, bank account info or something like that.

The code here is always premium quality.

If you upload a post that doesn’t work, or if you upload a post that works, but has an ugly looking codebase, or you used JavaScript ES2 or something like that, or you uploaded code written in an outdated programming language or an outdated version of a programming language, no problem. We are not going to delete it. But don’t worry, we are not going to just let it go, either. We are going to fix it.

The better your posts get, the higher your reputation gets.

Reputation is how the world thanks you. We monitor your posts day and night, and when you get reputation, you get privileges. The highest privelege, sub-admin is give when you achieve atleast 25000 reputation. As a sub-admin, you can have a look at all the posts ever published on FreeKode, all the accounts on FreeKode, correct incorrect posts, have access to drafts, and report bad posts to the admin (me), who will delete it.You earn privileges by uploading good posts, and once you get 5000 reputation, you can edit posts.

But remember, if you misuse your privileges we can demote you and reduce your reputation. So, be careful.

We create features before you can say “feature”.

We create features so rapidly, whatever feature you want is probably already in our website. And if you want a feature that isn’t already out there in our website, just email contact@centeltech.com. Report bugs to contact@centeltech.com too.

Thank you for reading this post till the end! I hope this helped you. More websites of mine here: centeltech.com.



Adith Raghav

I am an 11 year old boy and the founder of www.centeltech.com — teaching kids about HTML and CSS. I also have a website called https://freekode.centeltech.com.